Man replacing furnace filter in home

How Often to Replace Your Furnace Filter

January 9, 2025 | Heating

Ever wondered if you’re changing your furnace filter often enough? While most manufacturers recommend replacing your filter every 90 days, several factors affect how quickly your filter gets dirty. Let’s explore when and why you should change your furnace filter to keep your heating system running efficiently. Why Your Furnace Filter Matters Your furnace filter […]

person changing a furnace filter

How Often Should You Change Your Furnace Filter?

December 10, 2024 | Heating

Maintaining your home’s heating system is crucial for comfort and efficiency. When it comes to understanding how often to replace furnace filters, the answer depends on several key factors. In a typical household without pets or special circumstances, you’ll want to replace the filter about every three months. This guide walks you through filter replacement, […]

Couple smiling and shopping for a furnace online on a laptop

Furnace Sizing Guide: How Big of a Furnace Do I Need? 

November 15, 2024 | Heating

If you’re shopping for a new heating system, you’re probably wondering how big of a furnace you need for your home. Getting the right size is crucial – too big, and you’ll waste energy; too small, and your furnace will struggle to keep up. Let’s walk through how to find the perfect furnace size for […]

How to Unblock a Furnace Intake Vent

March 3, 2023 | Heating

The furnace intake vent must be clean for your heater to work properly. A supply of fresh air delivers oxygen to the combustion chamber; without it, your furnace will malfunction or shut down. But as the vent is drawing in air, it can also attract dirt, lint, and other materials that can build up on […]

Do I Need Separate Heating and Cooling Systems?

February 24, 2023 | Air ConditioningHeat PumpHeating

In the United States, most people use a furnace to heat their homes. Central air conditioners are pretty much standard when it comes to cooling them. But are separate heating and cooling systems always necessary? Depending on where you live, you may use only one system for half of the year, yet have to pay […]

Can I Install a New Heat Exchanger Without Replacing the Furnace?

February 3, 2023 | Heating

A cracked heat exchanger is an extremely serious problem that poses severe safety concerns. Replacing it without installing a new furnace is possible but expensive. Contact a professional quickly to weigh your options, as this is a dangerous situation involving the release of carbon monoxide and other toxic gases, which can result in severe illness […]

Tips for Installing Ductwork in an Old House

January 27, 2023 | Air ConditioningHeating

Old homes can be charming but often lack the comfort and convenience of modern heating and cooling systems. Updating your HVAC unit usually requires installing bulky air ducts. While the property may not have been designed for ductwork, there are options for you to reap the benefits of a fully conditioned space. Installing ductwork in […]

Signs Your Furnace’s Heat Exchanger Is Failing

January 6, 2023 | Heating

The heat exchanger is one of the key components of a gas furnace. It extracts heat from the sealed combustion chamber to warm the air pushed through it. Heat is then delivered to your home through the air ducts.  Heat exchangers keep your home’s clean air separate from the toxic air used in combustion and […]

What’s the Purpose of a Fresh Air Intake?

August 23, 2022 | Heating

In addition to maintaining comfortable temperatures and controlling humidity, your HVAC system plays an important role in the indoor air quality of your space as well. A fresh air intake allows the HVAC system to pull fresh air from outside and channel it to rooms via specialized vents. Every home is legally required to have […]

Why Does My Furnace Keep Turning Off?

April 25, 2022 | Heating

Furnaces normally cycle on and off to keep your home at a steady warm temperature. Short cycling is when it goes on and off too quickly. This can strain the system and can lead to expensive repairs if it’s not corrected. Your furnace may even fail prematurely, requiring the entire unit to be replaced. If […]