Can Indoor Air Quality Testing Improve Your Spring?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an issue for every home. Air pollution can have a negative impact whether it occurs outdoors or indoors. Testing IAQ enables the identification of specific pollutants so that the proper measures can be taken. For your spring, this can mean finding particular allergens and using the right methods to remove them, so you can seek more effective relief from sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, or sore throat. Therefore, this is the right time to schedule indoor air quality testing by a qualified professional.

Spring Is Prime Allergy Season

As the sun angle increases, temperatures rise, and trees bloom, allergens fill the air more than any other time of the year. In addition to dust mites, cockroaches, and mold, you’ll find pollen getting inside. Any of these can stick to furniture, fabrics, curtains, pillows, carpets, bedding, and any clutter you may have

Increased rain and humidity can create the perfect environment for mold to grow. It will proliferate on damp leaves, grasses, rotting wood, and around sinks, showers, and toilets. If there’s a water leak, it gives mold a chance to grow near pipes and appliances. Spores that reach your nose and lungs can cause allergic reactions, as can cockroaches. These are especially known to trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.

Are these the sources of your symptoms? Indoor air quality testing can find out the answer.

Spring Cleaning Can Bring in More Pollution

Many people find spring to be a great time to spruce up their homes. In addition to refreshing their lawns and landscaping (ideal allergy triggers), homeowners tend to use this time to buy new furniture, carpeting, mattresses, and building materials for home improvements. These often contain volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. Air fresheners, cleaning supplies, paints, varnishes, and pesticides contain these as well. If you’re not sure about the sources of indoor air pollution, schedule an indoor air quality service to find out and determine the best remedy.

Where Is Your Pollution Coming From?

We use a variety of test methods to find out what is polluting the air in your home. If you are not sure, these can identify pollutants from:

  • Wood-burning stoves and other heat sources
  • Fuel-powered engines in garages can release carbon monoxide
  • Radon gas that can rise from the ground
  • Particulates from fossil fuel burning, smog, trucks, power plants, etc.
  • Sulfur dioxide from coal power plants, refineries, food processing plants, volcanic eruptions, etc.
  • Nitrogen dioxide from traffic, unvented heaters, and gas stoves
  • Pollution from the outdoors, can worsen allergies and asthma

Will IAQ Testing Improve My Spring?

Testing can determine whether installing humidifiers, electronic air cleaners, UV air treatment systems, or whole-house air purifiers might alleviate your symptoms. Air pollution can cause a range of respiratory ailments. They can cause fatigue, dizziness, skin rashes, digestive problems, fatigue, and even fever. Infectious bacteria and viruses can be spread through the air. If the air quality in your home isn’t managed during the spring months, your health and well-being may not be what you want them to be. Proper management begins with professional indoor air quality testing.

Contact Black Hills, Inc.

If you want to benefit from fresh air this spring, we specialize in effective indoor air quality solutions that can address common types of pollution. The right system depends on your unique situation. Depending on the source of the problem, you might require one or a combination of options. To start making your life easier, schedule an air quality assessment online or by calling 360-822-9659 today.
