3 Red Flags That Indicate You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality

After a long day outside walking through pollution and breathing in potentially toxic air, lots of us can’t wait to get home so we can finally take a deep breath. Breathe in long and slow and then exhale because the air inside your home is much cleaner and more pure than whatever is going on outside, right? Not so fast! Contrary to popular belief, indoor air can be just as dirty, or even worse than what you’re breathing in once you step outside.

Not sure what to look for that could indicate you have poor indoor air quality? That’s what we’re here for! The signs below are major red flags — and if you notice any of them, it’s time to call in an indoor air quality expert:

Red Flag #1 – Your Family Members Get Sick Often

Sure, everyone gets a cold or suffers from a headache or fever now and then. But if it’s happening frequently and you or your kids are missing school or work multiple times in any given season, you likely have a problem on your hands.

Poor indoor air quality can contain viruses and bacteria that attack your immune system and when it can’t fight back, you get sick. Why not kill the problem at the source? That is, with an indoor air quality system that will work to strip these contaminants from the air.

Red Flag #2 – Allergy & Asthma Symptoms Are Rampant

Have family members that suffer from frequent sneezing, chronic itchy or watery eyes, a sore throat or trouble breathing? It may not mean that your body is getting weaker, it could actually be the result of thousands of allergens and asthma triggers floating through the air.

An indoor air quality system will trap these airborne pollutants so you and your family can start breathing fresher, cleaner air. Say goodbye to those symptoms!

Red Flag #3 – Your Home Feels Too Dry Or Too Humid

Air tends to dry out during the colder months of the year when temperatures drop, and it tends to contain much more moisture during the warmer months of the year. While fluctuations in home humidity levels are normal as the seasons change, your home should never feel super dry or extremely humid.

Indoor humidity levels should remain in a range between 40% and 50%, or slightly higher or lower depending on personal preference. A simple hygrometer can help you determine whether or not your home falls within the desired range, or if it’s well outside of the ideal range and yes, and indoor air quality system can help keep levels where they need to be.

Breathe Easier in Your Thurston County Home

Any of these problems can be an indication that you need to assess your indoor air quality. The team at Black Hills is committed to helping your family breathe easier and enjoy total indoor comfort. We can evaluate your air quality, determine which systems can help improve air quality, and get the necessary equipment installed quickly.

Enjoy purer, cleaner air today – call (360) 558-3242 to schedule service.